
Grapevine Chrysler Dodge Jeep - terrible customer service

Grapevine Chrysler Dodge Jeep - terrible customer service I had probably the worst car buying experience I have ever had recently with @GrapevineDodgeChryslerJeep

Eric Garcia, the sales guy was great. Did a good deal, but once the contract is signed (which after 5 weeks they still haven't sent us) they just didn't give a shit.

The sales manager Jay Simpson should be avoided at all costs. I found out I had been designated a 'hot' customer and was to be gotten rid of as soon as possible because he probably won't come back again.

I went as far as trying to leave 2 messages for the general manager Brandon Buehlman the CEO with the simple plea "I am in the middle of a terrible customer service experience " and no response at all...oh no that's right..he is away at 'Corporate and cannot be contacted'.

I even emailed the Reid Bigland, head of US sales and didn't hear a word back.

The challenge is these guys are stuck in a business model that is straight out of the 1980' I have decided I want to help them. if they won't enter the 21 century in terms of customer service, ill bring the 21st century in terms of customer dissatisfaction to them.

Folks, all you had to do was try, a simple phone call and apologise, maybe offer Melissa a t-shirt, a shitty $5 keyring? But you could be bothered.

After 8 phone calls, 2 customers satisfaction surveys and no returned calls or attempt to have a pleasant conversation.

I wish I had read the reviews on Yelp before I had headed down that way - which rate @GrapevineDodgeChryslerJeep about a 2.5


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