
Symbolism of "Somebody" by The Chainsmokers

Symbolism of Notice these antlers AND horns on a few Barbie dolls.
Look at all the photos. The article says "The antlers are a physical representation of a label imposed on a woman." but this is clearly bullshit because antlers AND horns are both obvious Illuminati symbols. Either the antlers refer to the Horned God of witchcraft OR the antlers refer to cuckholding. Anyone who is paying attention has noticed it. You can see it in "I Am The Night" where there's a horned animal skull on the wall which you can see at 2 minute and 6 seconds into the video , You can see it in "Channel Zero: Butcher's Block" where they show an evil horned god at 18 seconds into this video you can see it in Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" music video" where there's a horned skull/bug hospital orderlies at 2 minutes and 39 seconds into this video , you can see it in season 2 of "Legion" where there is a minotaur which can be seen here it's also seen on the season 2 villain of "Dirk Bentley's Holistic Detective Agency" where she had an antler crown which I used as the thumbnail for this video but here's another link to it so you can see it enlarged , and antlers and horns symbolism is seen other elsewhere as well. Horns and antlers are all over the place, and they're usually shoehorned in somewhere where there's no need for those things to be, and even where it makes no sense for those things to be. This stuff is NOT an accident. It's intentional Illuminati symbolism. Just start looking for it. You'll start seeing it everywhere in movies, TV shows, and music videos. I hope you clicked on all the links and jumped to the parts of the videos to see what I'm talking about because until you start seeing lots of examples of this stuff you're not going to believe that it's actually Illuminati symbolism. At first I didn't believe in all this Illuminati symbolism stuff either. I thought it was bullshit, but it's actually not. It's 100% real. The elites are intentionally putting this stuff in media on purpose, as symbolism.
Here's the music video I was commenting on in this video, it's called "Somebody" and it's by the band "The Chainsmokers". I think the video is aesthetically pleasing (beautifully painted) and the song is great too, but I thought it would be useful to point out the symbolism in the music video, which is symbolism that I don't necessarily agree with. And I also want to mention that I enjoy the little trick where they make it look like she's placing the microphone on the page (they must cut it and then paint it in, but it's a pretty spiffy little illusion). They do the same trick with the piano right before they do it with the microphone. I also like how Molly Crabapple (the artist) uses paint-thinner (or whatever she uses) to create the spotlight beams of light shining down on The Chainsmokers on stage at the end of the video.


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