
A Dad Mistakenly Drank A Lava Lamp At Bedtime. This Is What Happened To His Kidneys.

A Dad Mistakenly Drank A Lava Lamp At Bedtime. This Is What Happened To His Kidneys. This case is from central New Jersey, fall 2015. Different from Erickson et. al. in references below.
Peer Review: Dr Vijay Gupta, Dr Matt Novak
Additional commentary, follow:

Music by Lifeformed ►
Medicine ►
A Toddler Chewed Lead Paint Off His Toys. This Is What Happened To His Brain. ►
Toxicology ►
A Student Ate 5 Day Old Pasta For Lunch. This Is How His Liver Shut Down. ►
A Woman Drank 1 Liter Soy Sauce Colon Cleanse In 2 Hours. This Is What Happened To Her Brain. ►
A Woman Couldn't Sleep For 9 Days. This Is What Happened To Her Colon. ►
A Man Drank 3 Liters Rum Everyday Since Age 13. This is What Happened To His Liver. ►

John Posner as Patient AW
Anna Fagan as Sheila
John Pierce as Attending Physician
Amani Al-Saray as Nurse
Leilani Cartledge as Nurse
Production Assistant: Bradley Williams

These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet, see your own physician in person for that.


[0] Erickson TB. et. al. Acute renal toxicity after ingestion of Lava light liquid. Ann Emerg Med. 1996 Jun;27(6):781-4.

[1] Navarro J. et. al. Tetany induced on separate occasions by administration of potassium and magnesium in a patient with hungry-bone syndrome. Miner Electrolyte Metab. 1991;17(5):340. 

[2] Kraut JA, Mullins ME. Toxic Alcohols. N Engl J Med. 2018 Jan 18; 378:270-280.

[3] Hanouneh M, Chen TK. Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Ethylene Glycol Toxicity. N Engl J Med. 2017 Oct 12;377(15):1467.

[4] Song CH. et. al. A Case of Ethylene Glycol intoxication with Acute Renal Injury: Successful Recovery by Fomepizole and Renal Replacement Therapy. Electrolyte Blood Press. 2017 Dec; 15(2): 47–51.

[5] Laine GA. et al. Polyethylene glycol nephrotoxicity secondary to prolonged high-dose intravenous lorazepam. Ann Pharmacother. 1995 Nov;29(11):1110-4.

[6] Funke ME. et. al. Methemoglobinemia Induced By Ingesting Lava Lamp Contents. Clin Pract Cases Emerg Med. 2018 Aug; 2(3): 207–210.


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