
I'm the feared Middle East player [DESCRIPTION] (Montage)

I'm the feared Middle East player [DESCRIPTION] (Montage) #EclipseTheTeam #EclipseRC #Eclipse5k #Eclipse10k
Since the voice was unclear in the first clip, basically what I said was that when I imported my intro and stuff from the flash memory this happened ( the screenshots from 1:08 - 1:16 )

Oh boy, I hope I get recruited to a legit clan! If any cool clan sees this, sign me up brotha!
Follow my Twitter here plz:
Will be active

Ignore these: #ReleaseTheHound #NovaRc #ClanRC #FortniteClanRC #ExoticTeamGGs #RC #Fortnite #teambh #ghostgaming #ghostgamingRC #NRG #NRGRC #Kungarna #KungarnaRC #Misfits #MisfitRC

#PS4share,PlayStation 4,Sony Interactive Entertainment,SHAREfactory™,{5859dfec-026f-46ba-bea0-02bf43aa1a6f},ImFishNinjaPlayz,

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