
Marginal Riskless Trading Guide: "Defination & Practice"

Marginal Riskless Trading Guide: I'm here to only teach one form of trading which is Marginal Riskless Trading, this will not make you rich quick but will allow you to take no money no crypto go to some crypto then get to a point where you have enough crypto to trade on to make a difference for your life.

This method has been tested and used by me, 3D since 2013. Updated constantly to match the market, demand and tx fees.
Welcome to Episode 5 we look over the information in chart reading with single line restance, take a dive into explaining the differences between terms & looking how to find buys/sells.

If you missed the previous episode, please use this link for the video:

If you want to share this knowledge you can share the Marginal Riskless Trading Guide (MRTG) website:

At the MRTG website, you will find various linked information like trading tools, helpful areas online & a small web series of videos teaching you how to go from no crypto to some crypto to a very real trading portfolio to help you change your life.

Your assignment for this ep is to reduce the number of coins you are tracking between 1-5 coins and to start practicing faux or fake trades against bitcoin ($BTC) using paper or a tracking sheet (available on the MRTG website).
Today's featured links:

¬Live coin watch (watch your assests):

¬Cash App (a gif place to start buying btc):
Here's some Free Tron Trading Room links for Telegram::

¬RoboWallet Tron trading room:

¬KrazyKewlGamezToken ($KKGT) room:

¬RoboMiner Exchange channel:

It's up to you to do some research to find more rooms on Discord & Tron Airdrop channels on both Telegram and Discord.

I hope to find you around on Telegram, my tag-name is "D_3D_D".
The other featured trading testing website is Empire Kred at:

To find some free assets like cryptocurrency try one of my free websites:
¬ - Google hosted
¬ - NaNoNet hosted

To find more about me 3D, try one or both of the websites below:

Visit my personal website:

Say hi to me on Twitter at


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