
The 12 Steps Are Essential to Spiritual Growth and Personal Healing

The 12 Steps Are Essential to Spiritual Growth and Personal Healing A Southern California pastor gives insight to the structure needed for personal growth.

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I see the 12th up process as essential

to spiritual growth and personal healing

and you know one level we could we can

make those personal growth and our

spiritual growth and personal healing

synonymous but I do think it's helpful

to think of them as a distinct but the

reason I say essential it's essential to

personal growth and spiritual growth

personal healing spiritual growth the

way that a foundation the foundation and

the steel beams that hold this building

up are essential for us being in this

room and doing what we're doing

because we have to have structure in

order to have growth I mean even we take

the word spiritual growth and think of

it in terms of agricultural terms a

farmer you know has to have implements

and tools you know in a way of going

about a field and even it maybe even

structure if he's using vines you know a

vineyard has to have a trellis in order

for the fruit to come to fruition right

and so in that way the 12 steps offers

that trellis it is that trellis and not

not and I wouldn't even say that is you

have the 12 steps and then you have the

growth I think each step provides a

sense of structure and trellis in itself

and really to me in human terms and you

know we talk about spiritual growth

this step is sort of the the activity

the task that gets us into moving in the

direction so that the growth can then

emerge out of that for each step so step

one facing my powerlessness and the

unmanageability of my life I'm just

asking that question how is my life

unmanageable or how how does it come to

be unmanageable and to address our own

sense of vulnerability and powerlessness

and that

then opens up this space for the growth

to take place the spiritual growth to

take place and I think the byproduct of

that or healing then it is is a part of

that process of that growth so they

that's where they for me they come


David Zailer,Operation Integrity,12 Steps Recovery,addiction recovery,addiction,Am I addicted?,What is addiction?,I'm addicted,I need help with my addiction,I think I'm addicted to porn,Am I an alcoholic?,Alcoholics Anonymous,can't quit smoking,can't quit watching porn,can't stop drinking,my life is out of control,staying sober,recovery group,substance abuse,addiction to opioids,addiction to pain-killlers,

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