
The True Cost When Selling On Ebay, Shocking Results !!!!!

The True Cost When Selling On Ebay, Shocking Results !!!!! The True Cost Of Ebay. Hi guys, I made todays film after I sold a gold coin on eBay and was really shocked at how much it cost me. So I have made this to make you aware of the true cost of selling on eBay. I look at the cost of private sellers and business sellers on eBay and show you the paypal cost also. EBay is a very good place to sell but please make sure you understand the costs involved or you could end up losing a lot of money.

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Should you wish to view some of the items from my films you can visit my eBay store at the following link.

Thank you for watching, If you enjoy my films please would you like and share to help me create more, My Content is free however should you wish to dentate to support my channel please find a Paypal Icon in the Banner and a link at the end of the description. If you decide to support the channel , leave a comment I will give your channel a shout out.

My business is small and simple, I buy from charity shops, car boot sales thrift stores , retail arbitrage , garage sales, auctions, antique fairs, flea markets, etc to sell in my shop and on eBay, amazon, facebook and other platforms, and make films that I hope you enjoy , please feel free to comment and give your opinion and experiences. its a little look at buying and selling what to buy and sell . My name is walter Edward o’neill and i have a pawn / antique shop but have sold for many years at car boot sales, antique fairs, auction houses, i buy and sell antiques and collectables and show you my finds every week, in this chat i talk about the different ways to sell to maximise your profit. do you hold out for the most money you can get from your antiques and collectables or do you take less money and deal in volume. Should you Specialise or be a general dealer. here are my top tips to help you understand how much to sell for to have the best results and most profit. This advice will work no matter if you sell on ebay, Amazon, Etsy, facebook or any other platform, hope this advice is both useful and helps you make loads of money. if you would like to see more films on my antique finds, advice on how to sell or buy and book reviews please visit my channel for hundreds of films.

Should You Wish to Donate / Support my channel there is a paypal icon in the banner or you can click on this link. Thank you.

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