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#chocoTaco squads up with BreaK, hambinooo, and Halifax to play on #ErangelRemastered. They hot drop in Pochinki, but it seems quiet....too quiet. choco does significant damage with an AWM he finds in an early crate drop, and despite his better judgement, he plays the edge of the zone with his squad rather than staying in the center-circle compound. After finding another AWM in a late-game crate, choco drops his Beryl and becomes a double AWMsman, though it is short-lived. Though 2 of the squad die in the late game, BreaK clutches the victory, and that's after pulling off an amazing full send in a UAZ. #PUBG You can go to the Twitch VOD and see the full game here: , or see choco stream LIVE at
Music: "DuDa" by Ian Post, from
Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco, Erangel Remastered