
June 16th 2019 "The Assurance of Our Salvation" Daniel Prock

June 16th 2019 The Assurance of our Salvation
2 Tim. 1:12

From our Text:
1. Salvation is in a person
2. Persuaded
3. Keep
4. Two prongs – Our believing, His keeping

I. Some reasons people doubt their salvation
1. Do not take God at His word
2. Believe what others have told them
3. Their salvation experience was not sensational
4. The grow cold-hearted

II. How Can we know we are saved: Now and Forever
1. Trust the promises of God – John 10:27
2. The believer has nothing to do with keeping himself – 2. Tim
3. The indwelling Holy Spirit – Eph. 1:13-14, 4:30
4. The desire to please God – 2 Peter 1:4
5. The Chastening ministry of the Lord – Heb. 12:6

III. How can we overcome doubt
1. 2 Tim 1:12
2. Rom. 10:9-13

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