
Mordekaiser Rework NEW vs OLD Abilities Comparison (League of Legends)

Mordekaiser Rework NEW vs OLD Abilities Comparison (League of Legends) Mordekaiser Rework NEW vs OLD Abilities Comparison League of Legends

NEW Mordekaiser Abilities:

Passive - Darkness Rise
Mordekaiser’s basic attacks deal bonus magic damage. After three spells or attacks against a champion, Darkness Rise deals damage to nearby enemies and gives movement speed until Mordekasier is out of combat.

Q - Obliterate
Mordekaiser slams down his mace, dealing damage in an area or bonus damage to a single enemy.

W - Indestructible
The evil overlord absorbs 25% of damage taken and damage dealt. Casting once generates a shield with this value. Mordekaiser can cast again to consume 50% of the shield for health.

E - Death’s Grasp
Passive: Mordekaiser gains 25% Magic Penetration
Active: A deadly claw drags enemies towards him, dealing damage.

R - Realm of Death
Mordekaiser banishes a single enemy champion to the Death Realm for a 7 second 1v1, stealing a percent of their core stats. If he kills his target, he consumes their soul, keeping their partial stats until they respawn.

OLD Mordekaiser Abilities:

Passive - Iron Man
A percent of the damage dealt from abilities is converted into a temporary shield, absorbing incoming damage.

Q - Mace of Spades
Mordekaiser's next three attacks deal escalating bonus damage.
Mordekaiser's next three hits are empowered. The first two strikes deal 10/20/30/40/50 (+165% bonus Attack Damage) (+100% bonus Attack Damage) bonus magic damage. The final strike deals 2 times the bonus damage of the previous strikes, up to 0 (+0) (+0).

W - Harvesters of Sorrow
Coats an ally in magnetic metal, increasing each unit's movement speed toward one another. While near one another, the metal swirls violently dealing damage per second to enemies.
Passive: Mordekaiser gains bonus experience for killing minions near allied champions.
Bonus Experience Earned: 0Active:
Target an ally, linking them to Mordekaiser:Both gain up to 75 movement speed toward one another.When they touch, they deal 140/180/220/260/300 (+90% Ability Power) magic damage over 4 seconds to nearby enemies.Reactivate to both instantly steal 50/85/120/155/190 (+30% Ability Power) health from nearby enemies (25% heal on minions, max 2 units; deals magic damage).

E - Siphon of Destruction
Mordekaiser deals damage to enemies in a cone in front of him. For each unit hit, Mordekaiser's shield absorbs energy.
Mordekaiser deals 35/65/95/125/155 (+60% Attack Damage) (+60% Attack Damage) magic damage in a cone.For each Champion hit, he gains [0]% maximum shield.

R - Children of the Grave
Mordekaiser curses an enemy champion or the Dragon, stealing a percent of their life initially and each second. If the target dies while the spell is active, their soul is enslaved and will follow Mordekaiser as a ghost.
Passive - Dragon Force: Damaging the Dragon will Curse it for 10 seconds.
Active: Curse target Champion and steal 25/30/35% (+[4% Ability Power]%) of their maximum health (25% initially, 75% over 10 seconds; deals magic damage).
Curse Effect: When killed by Mordekaiser's team, the Cursed unit's soul will follow Mordekaiser for 45/60/75 seconds. Mordekaiser gains 30% of their ability power and 25% of their bonus health. The ghost gains (+0) attack damage and (+0) health.The ghost can be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button or by reactivating this

I’m part of the official League Partner Program with Riot Games.
You can read about the program here:

Thanks for watching!

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