

Romans 4:16-22 CALL THINGS INTO BEING AS IF THOUGH THEY WERE ..THOMAS DREW ALI 101 to donate to us email us at
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thank you to all the conscious and unconscious heirs people who have now realized the importance of sharing their notes with those who are uplifting fallen humanity and boycotting those that are corrupt corporations
REad Job 3 6 5
call things into being as if though they were
so thank you to the ancestors for removing all robot trolls entities and all the corrupted beings on this planet
thank you for shutting down all corrupt corporations heads
thank you for all the rappers actors who used to wear their pants below thier butts now conscious as to thier osteoprosis and lack of calcium in thier knees and the curviture of the spine they accidently created as a result of following false teachings and that all males and females men and women on the planet are now aware of themselves and the importance of walking with their swagger as strong american indian muur men
we now know that we must study our selves and the planets which surround each of us daily at different times and how to manifest all in the minds and the tongue through our circle seven which is our own 911 we now know that by simply circling a place people or thing seven times abolishes all negativity
instantly in the spiritual realm which automatically manifests in the physical realm as time passes by
now that being said we know that time is the master time is the key
and all parables are in fact a mathematical equation arithmatic science
hence when we read the book of Daniel and Jeremiah and
Romans 4:16-22 King James Version (KJV)
16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,

17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were
thank you to our elders past Zodeakus El for all wisdom and knowledge
as we are to count from our birth day being day one to fifty two days which leads us to our opportunity cycle
Attention all international authorities globally thank you for removing all doritos and human meat from all burgers and foods globally and thank you for removing all orange carrots and iceburg lettuce from all markets globally and thank you for sharing with us globally all green leafy vegetables and all heirloom purple carrots and all good foods for us all also for returning all ancient writings our ancestors created for us all thank you by: Nobel Honorable Ang El Inah D Al Phette El all rights reserved

here is the rest of my notes for this video some of which i have not been able to go into here
the constitution amendment 20 we were made servants house joint resolution 192 hence we do not have an income we only have pecurinary compensation or wages and though the bible says we are to give to the building fund with said wages it is up to us what we choose to give to the never built building fund in said churches hence as we know now that all ministers are in fact to pay the heirs people tithes for doing commerce business on their lands and hence the scripts once again was switched on us heirs

and we know a mind is a terrible thing to waste

hence we conquer all in our tongues and our minds

by our thoughts words and deeds

hence we now know that carrots and iceburg lettuce was created to destroy our ovaries and prostate our reproductive abilities hence all agents in the agriculture departements remove all said poisons from all shelves now and send us here all the varieties of all the leafy greens and all the heirloom purple carrots which were in existence long before the orange carrot

also return all the ancient writing that our ancestors created for us in this time to realign with the ethers and the universe now

as we now know the calenders were changed to get the people out of alignment with their chakras as Bush changed day light savings time from September to November we must realign with our cycles

to eliminate debt what we did was report all fraudsters doing tax evasion known as colonists occupying our lands to the Internal revenue services and all international authorities

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