Today we are going to look at the pokemon go adventure week research tasks! Which include the new shinies and old shinies
Shiny Lileep
Shiny Anorith
Shiny Onix
This is topping out the adventure week from 2018 based on the new rock Pokemon who are powerful and rare including Cranidos who evolves into Rampardos as well as Shieldon.
Additionally we will check out the details on the pokemon go adventure bonus for walking 50 km.
Let’s max this event out with 4x candy and get some shinies!
Featured shiny rock pokemon from the Pokemon go shiny list :
Shiny Larvitar
Shiny Omanyte
Shiny Kabuto
Shiny Geodude
Shiny Aron
Shiny Shuckle
Shiny Solrock
Shiny Lunatone
Let’s Do This!!
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#pokemongo #adventureweek #rampardos