
What is the factor that prevents us from hitting the target continuously?

What is the factor that prevents us from hitting the target continuously? Why do we always feel that it is difficult to hit the target continuously? The size of the target, the distance and the slingshot we use etc.are all factors influencing. However, there is a more critical factor that is our mindset. When I hit 3 times in a row, I can't help but ask myself if I can hit the target next shot? It is precisely this kind of question that causes the change of mentality to affect my shooting action. The result is often the loss of the next shot, oh no. This is a fun but helpless general phenomenon, many shooters have the same feeling. My solution is to think of myself as a shooting machine. I only pay attention to the shooting action itself and not consider the result. This seems to be the experience shared by many Olympic champions. Of course, it is still a minority to finally defeat yourself. Let's work together. Shoot straight, pal!


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