
ANYexo: A Versatile and Dynamic Upper-Limb Rehabilitation Robot

ANYexo: A Versatile and Dynamic Upper-Limb Rehabilitation Robot This video demonstrates the performance of the Rehabilitation Robot proposed in the IEEE paper:

"ANYexo: A Versatile and Dynamic Upper-Limb Rehabilitation Robot"

Abstract: This paper presents a versatile upper-limb exoskeleton based on low-impedance torque controllable series elastic actuators. It is designed as an experimental platform to validate novel algorithms and hardware concepts that aim towards more autonomy of robots for therapy of moderately and severely affected patients with a neural impairment (\eg after stroke). The proposed exoskeleton was designed to have a large range of motion to cover the activities of daily life (ADL). The robot should behave transparent even at speeds up to $\approx$\SI{6}{\radian/\second} which are common for healthy people to not constrain patients. The presented robot achieves a similar RoM as needed for ADL, while the kinematics are optimized for high manipulability at ADL. We use modified modular series elastic actuators that provide the power, torque control bandwidth and precision required for this application. The presented robot unites a large RoM, high power to weight ratio, high torque control fidelity at speeds typical for healthy people, and versatility for experiments in one device. To our knowledge no other device exists that is tailored to such an extent for this application. We demonstrate with a model based compensation of the robots dynamics a transparent behavior even at high speeds.


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