
Could Technology Be The Final Event Resulting In Mass Extinction

Could Technology Be The Final Event Resulting In Mass Extinction Could Technology Be The Final Event Resulting In Mass Extinction

Could technology be the final event resulting in mass extinction? We are right now in the sixth mass extinction and technology is doing this.

Everyone thinks technology is wonderful and great and that it has made our lives easier. However, any of you who have lived before technology know that our lives are not easier.

Our lives are much more complicated. For men that carry their smartphone in the back pocket, their bone density ends up being 40% less in that leg. They could step off the curb and it would break.

Men and women that carry their smartphones on their persons end up not being able to have babies. You have to turn it off. Don’t keep it on your body.

Women who carry their phones in their blouse or shirt in pockets are the ones that develop breast cancer. If you don’t want ovarian cancer and want to make sure you can have babies, then don’t keep your smartphone on your body.

Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. There is an explosion of brain tumors, infertility, erectile dysfunction due to smartphones.
One in six people alive on the planet today will have cancer in their lifetime. This is the greatest worldwide epidemic called a pandemic that has ever been.


Could technology be the final event resulting in mass extinction,technology,final,event,mass extinction,smart phones,brain tumors,breast tumors,infertility,erectile dysfunction,Dr. Thomas Lodi,

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