
You Don't Have To Be An Expert To Help Other People 🥊

You Don't Have To Be An Expert To Help Other People 🥊 You can launch a business or better people's lives even if you are not an expert! You Don't Have To Be An Expert To Help Other People. Watch to learn why being an expert is not required

Several months ago a viewer called me out and said that I shouldn’t claim to be a financial expert, and that I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to finances and investing. Nonetheless his criticizes were pretty harsh to say the least.

This viewer was wrong in two main ways. 1 I never claimed to be a financial expert. He made that up in his own mind, and secondly the idea that you would need to be an expert at something to help people if flawed. Most of us don’t need experts to help us. We just need some help.

And that’s what I want to talk to you guys about in today's video.

You may be at the point in your life where you are really looking at changing the course of your career are looking for ways to generate additional income.

These thoughts are not uncommon, but often what stops us from progressing forward is we feel we don’t have the skills necessary to move forward. We lack the confidence in our current abilities.

We try to fix that lack of confidence often by thinking we need to go back to school, or get another certification. (I’m not saying those things don’t help, but we are going to come back to that in just a second.

Ultimately though what I think you will find is you may already have enough skills in place to start making a difference for people and to generating additional revenue .

(Demonstrate/show the skill tree) show how that don't need to know everything to get started.

Maybe you are just starting out in landscaping, or website design, or marketing, or YouTube

Skills that can help people and also generate revenue
The silks may already be within you, you just need to find the confidence the belief in yourself to unlock
I’m not saying to pretend to be an expert when you are not, don’t deceive people,if you don’t know something admit it.

What’s going to happen is cut years off the learning curve by just getting started. That experience is going to highlight your strengths, and your weaknesses.

The problem with the traditional school is learning isn’t efficient, and its so expensive. School might set you further back.
The exception would be something like a trade school, but that isn’t cheap either, but at least you're focused on what you want to learn.

When I started this Youtube channel as I’ve told you guys before I had no experience whatsoever. 0, zip, but I found the confidence within myself to pursue it anyways, because I believed I had information that could help other people. That passion is what initially drove me to start the channel, plus I eventually learned there may be some money in it as well.

Eventually by using Google and YouTube i learned how to do YouTube one piece at a time to grow the channel to what it is today. Now the channel brings in several hundred dollars every month. So far as of June of this year we have already exceeded last years total revenue and have made over $5,000. It's not a lot of money, but it’s something. All from ad revenue, but the bottom line is I love doing this stuff. The money I make from Youtube now is pure profit. All my equipment and software expenses have been fully paid for so I’m not going to lie, it's pretty addicting to make extra money doing something you are passionate about, not only that you are making extra money and helping other people.

The next time you start thinking that you can’t do something because you lack experience remember that you don’t have to be an expert to get started, and you certainly do not have to be an expert to help other people.

do you have to be an expert to help others?,you don't have to be an expert to help other people,being an expert isn't necessary,im not a financial expert,money and life tv,why being an expert is not required,You don't need to know everything,expert not required,

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