
3-Year-Old Goes Wet Market Shopping On His Own

3-Year-Old Goes Wet Market Shopping On His Own For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER!

"We think he’s too young to do this or that, but he just needs a push in the right direction,” says dad. Vasantham actor Jay Nesh Isuran and his wife tasked their 3-year-old, Om Jay, to cross busy roads to buy breakfast and to get groceries at the wet market.

In a world of helicopter parenting, it might surprise you to learn how independent your child can be. Or how making them take responsibility can boost your child's confidence, and increase his self esteem.

On The Red Dot’s series “Old Enough!” is adapted from the popular long-running series from Japan’s Nippon Television Network Corporation (Nippon TV) and showcases determined preschoolers overcoming their fears and running errands on their own for the first time.

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