

CENTRE FOR ENHANCING DEMOCRACY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE The Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance (CEDGG) has formally launched the community score card report at the Health headquarters in Lodwar Today on 8th July, 2019.
The report which was collected over a period of five months in katilu and Lokichar ward was based on the constitutional requirement calling for participation of the public on how services are delivered
While presenting the report in the presence of the County Health Management Team (CHMT) and representatives of the community units from which data was collected, Mrs. Wilkister Akinyi called upon the full institutionalization of the outcome of the report
Mrs. Akinyi narrated in details the five key steps that informed the methodology of the study. Data was collected after community engagement and training on how to identify pressing service delivery concern.
Data in respect to the report was collected so as to; positively influence the quality, efficiency and accountability with which services are provided at different levels of health care
The report also sought to foreground strategies to be employed by health facilities to address emerging challenges in respect to conflict and improved enlightenment of the general population
Data was collected from Kalemngorok dispensary for Katilu ward and Lokichar sub county Hospital in Lokichar
Steps followed during the process were; Community organizing, Identification of priority issues, Harmonization of issues, Generating a data collection tool to collect views of service providers and service consumers a report, Score card interface meeting and finally institutionalization of the research findings
Before the report was brought to the CHMT, it had been shared extensively with the Turkana south health management committee and community units for validation
The research findings highlighted key concerns of the area residents to be; low level of staffing and water shortage in health facilities
The report recommended for; Regularized drugs and equipment supply, Improved level of staffing, increase in disability friendly buildings
The report comes at a time when the county MoH has put in place a mechanism for grievance receipt and management as well as automated management of pharmaceutical supplies in more than 220 health facilities in the county
The meeting was attended by Stephen kangiro Ag director Alcoholic drinks and substance abuse control, deputy director administration Joyce Ilikwel, county TB coordinator Dr. Job Okemwa, county MoH human resource officer Mr. Lotims among others


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