
Chemical Identification Test for Glycosides by Solution-Pharmacy in Hindi

Chemical Identification Test for Glycosides by Solution-Pharmacy in Hindi Please Subscribe our new channel- Pharmacy Dictionary
Classification of Glycosides (according to chemical nature of aglycone part) Part 2
Classification of Glycosides - Part 1
Properties of Glycosides
Introduction to Glycosides
Test for Glycosides
Test for Cardiac Glycoside
1. Legal test: To 2ml of the extract, 1ml of pyridine and 1 ml of sodium nitro prusside were added. The change in colour pink or red indicates the presence of cardiac glycosides
2. Keller-killiani test: To the test tubes containing 2 ml of extract 1 ml of glacial acetic acid, 3 drops 5% W/V ferric chloride and concentrated sulphuric acid were added and observed, disappearance of reddish brown colour at the junction of two layers and bluish green in upper layer indicates the presence of cardiac glycosides.
3. Kedde test: A solution of glycosides is treated with a small amount of Kedde reagent (Mix equal volumes of a 2% solution of 3, 5 dinitrobenzoic acid in menthol and a 7.5% aqueous solution of KOH). Development of a blue or violet colour that faded out in l to 2 hrs shows it presence of cardinoloids.
Test for Anthraquinone glycoside
1. Borntrager’s Test: To the test tubes containing 2 ml of extract 2 ml of dilute sulphuric acid was added, boil for 5 min and filtered. To the filtrates, equal volumes of chloroform was added and mixed well. organic layers were separated and ammonia was added to this. Pinkish red colour of the ammonia layer indicated the presence of anthraquinone glycosides.
2. Modified Borntrager test
Test for Saponins
1. Foam Test: The extract (2g) was shaken vigorously with 20 ml of water and observed for persistent foam, which indicates the presence of saponins.

2. Haemolysis Test: Sodium chloride( 18% v/w, 2 ml) was shaken in six test tubes. The three test tubes 2 ml of chloroform, methanol and ethanol- water (8:2) were Phytochemical Investigations 65 added, to the other three test tubes 2 ml of extract were added, few drops of blood was added to all the test tubes, mixed and observed for the haemolysis under microscope.
Test for flavonoids
Shinoda Test: To the dry extract (2g), 5 ml of ethanol (95% v/v), 5 drops of hydrochloric acid and 0.5g of magnesium turnings were added. Appearance of pinkcolour indicates the presence of flavonoids
Test for Cyanogenetic glycoside
Take few g of sample powder in a conical flask and moisten with a few drop of water. Moisten a piece of picric acid paper with sodium carbonate solution. Suspend the strip of sodium picrate (sodium 2, 4, 6 trinitrophenate) paper by means of cork in the neck of the flask. Warm gently to about 37°C by placing on lamp or thermostat- controlled water bath and allow standing. Observe the change of colour of the test paper. Hydrogen cyanide is liberated from cyanogenic glycoside by enzyme activity. HCN react with sodium pirated to form the reddish-purple sodiumisopurpurate.
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solution pharmacy,solution,pharmacy,Glycosides,types of glycosides,chemical test of glycosides,chemical identifica,Chemical identification test of glycosides,detection of glycosides,borntrager test,foam test,kedde test,keller killiani test,baljet test,legal test,shinoda test,haemolytic test,cardiac glycoside test,saponin glycosides detection,test for anthraquinone glycosides,chemical properties of glycosides,Cyanophoric glycosides,cyanogenetic glycoside,

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