
Frequently Asked Questions about Virtue Signaling: Diana Fleischman interviews Geoffrey Miller

Frequently Asked Questions about Virtue Signaling: Diana Fleischman interviews Geoffrey Miller The 'Virtue Signaling' ebook is available here:

In this video, Diana Fleischman (evolutionary psychology professor & Geoffrey's fiancee) interviews Geoffrey Miller about his new ebook 'Virtue Signaling'.

They talk about what virtue signaling is, 'cheap talk' versus reliable virtue signaling, evolutionary origins and functions of virtue signaling, historical roots of the concept, how virtue signaling plays out in social media and on campuses, and how neurodiversity and cultural diversity can lead to signaling errors.

In this video we mention the 'Victorian mate choice' video, which is here:

My other books most related to this topic are:
The Mating Mind:

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virtue signaling,evolutionary psychology,virtue ethics,morality,ethics,social media,Twitter,Facebook,evolution,communication,Aspergers,politics,religion,liberal,conservative,academia,university,college,relationships,families,

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