
How To Forgive Someone Who Hurt You

How To Forgive Someone Who Hurt You When you know how to forgive someone who hurt you, you create a huge amount of power in your own life.

Forgiveness isn’t about setting the other person free, it’s about setting yourself free.

Holding onto grudges is just far too toxic, and it restricts you into a very specific way of being. You have to take on the character of someone who is bitter, resentful, angry and so on… And when you don’t forgive, you HAVE to act as that bitter and angry character whenever the other person enters your thinking.

Naturally being this character will then affect how your days, your weeks, and even your years go...

Refusing to forgive someone for something they did, is like drinking the poison yourself but expecting them to die from it.

Stop drinking the poison

Refusing to forgive is one of the ultimate forms of victimhood. We make the other person accountable, we give them the power, we give them the ability to control our happiness, and we essentially chain ourselves into their reality in our own minds.

By refusing to forgive and holding a grudge, we become their emotional slave.

So, how do you let it go and forgive them?

You take responsibility.

They didn’t do something TO you, they didn’t MAKE you a certain way… They just did things (for their own reasons, and because of their own programming). “Things” happened, and you CHOSE to perceive those things in a certain way, create your own meanings behind them, and then create pain in your life because of it.

That’s what we humans tend to do.

But by accepting responsibility for the fact that we’re CHOOSING to be hurt, we can change how we see the other person, and set ourselves free from our own expectations of how they “should” be in the process.

You’re responsible, they’re not responsible.


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Dan started his online business with zero experience in September 2016, and successfully transitioned from the corporate world into travelling the world while running his business from his laptop in the latter half of 2017.

He earned over $250,000 in year one, $500,000 in year two (Earnings video on this channel) but way more importantly he became a far happier and more fulfilled person in the process.

He now spends his time guiding and helping others so that they can build a business they love as well.

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Dan is an E-commerce business owner and professional affiliate marketer. This means he gets paid to recommend products and services that he knows, trusts and uses himself.

Individual results will vary. No results are guaranteed with the help of Dan's advice, guidance, resources, training or any products and services he recommends or provides himself. All the products and services he provides are for educational and information purposes only.

It's no different from the gym. Not everyone who joins the gym is guaranteed six pack abs, it takes commitment, dedication and determination to succeed in any field. There are those who will not earn any money at all with Dan's advice, guidance, resources, training or any products and services he recommends or provides, because individual results will depend on your determination, hard work, ability to follow directions and many more factors.

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