
Huawei Sales Grow 23%, Misleading information

Huawei Sales Grow 23%, Misleading information Chinese communist PLA run company once again putting out misleading information to make it look like the company Huawei is not being affected by the sanctions that the US has imposed on them and also that the US has put them on a black list. To the layman who doesn’t understand business they may buy into this B-S Huawei.

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James J. Tsidkenu


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Many people that come to view the Sixth Seal News Talk channel are disturbed that I don't show my face. I have explained in the past that thousands upon thousands of YouTube creators do not show their face on their YouTube creations. The main reason I do not share my identity is because of my highly controversial commentary and point of view on today's event and news stories. I'm sure you know other hosts and/or creators on YouTube have been threatened, some have been attacked in public, also some have had hostile actions taken against their families. So, for the safety of myself and my family I will remain in the dark and after all the message that I give on my channel is not about me, it is about the message and my attempt to try to remove the blinders of lies and deception which are mainstream fake media continues to put out on our citizens here in the US and globally. I'm sure many people would have donated to the Sixth Seal News Talk and would have become Patreon supporters on a monthly basic if they could identify what I look like. But, the risk are too high and I will not put myself and/or family in perils. I am not a huge YouTube who can afford bodyguards and protection service 24 seven. And the thing is my commentary can be just as highly controversial as what is being put out by these highly popular YouTubers who have the means and capabilities to keep themselves safe. Even though you're not able to provide funding because of your view towards how I identify myself on my YouTube. Be assured that I appreciate you as a viewer and in a perfect world I would not conceal my face I can assure you. So, thank you for your commentary and thank you for you viewing Sixth Seal News Talk.

#sixthsealnewstalk #AntiCommunists #Antisocialist,James J. Tsidkenu,Sixth Seal News Talk,Huawei,China news,Australian news,Canadian news,United Kingdom news,US news,Philippines news,

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