
Meeting the School - Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Blind Let's Play) - Chapter 1 Part 2

Meeting the School - Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Blind Let's Play) - Chapter 1 Part 2 The first new Fire Emblem game since I started playing through the whole series blind, Fire Emblem Three Houses looks like it is going to be a lot of fun. As with all the other Fire Emblem games I’ve played this will be a completely blind playthrough. The limits of my knowledge on this game are that it involves a school, and three houses in that school. It’s been a long journey, starting with Path of Radiance, working our way through Blazing Sword and Binding Blade before making our way to the remake of the first game of the series, Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. And now that we’re playing the excellent so far Fire Emblem 12: Mystery of the New Emblem, we’re going to play Fire Emblem Three Houses blind alongside it. What can I say, it’s too much fun playing new games right when they come out and now that I’m officially a fan of this series I just can’t wait three years to make it to Three Houses naturally. As always, this will be a blind playthrough. The Fire Emblem series has been a lot of fun and this will be my seventh (well, technically tied for sixth) installment in the series. For those of you who are new I’m playing through all the Fire Emblem games completely blind. This series has become one of my favorite tactical RPGs, and I’m really looking forward to this blind playthrough of Fire Emblem Three Houses. This will be a semi-ironman playthrough. That is, I reserve the right to resurrect characters who die for whatever silly reason I come up with, such as I just like them too much, but I will probably let them die most of the time, especially when we’re already 15 turns into a chapter, but I digress. We will also be playing on the highest difficulty, because I am a madman, and it has sort of become a tradition for these playthroughs, even though they’re blind playthrough. Now come and find out, which house will we pick? Will it be the blue one as I’m sure some of you who have been with me from the beginning might suspect? Or will one of the others steal my love and affection? Only one way to find out!

Fire Emblem 16: Three Houses is a tactical RPG developed by Intelligent Systems with support from Koei Tecmo Games and published by Nintendo. It’s the 16th installment in the Fire Emblem series and is the first of a new setting on the continent of Fodlan. As with previous installments in the Fire Emblem series, Fire Emblem 16 gameplay revolves around positioning your characters on a gridlike battlefield and defeating an opposing enemy force. Just like all other Fire Emblem games, if characters are defeated in battle, they’re removed for the rest of the game. Playing without reloading is sometimes called an ironman playthrough and is how we will be playing (maybe, sorta… okay not really what can I say it would be suicidal for a first playthrough on the hardest difficulty to stick to this all the time). This game features brand new elements never before seen in a Fire Emblem game revolving around the school mechanics.

Fire Emblem Three Houses was published in 2019 for the Nintendo Switch. The development of Fire Emblem 16 began after the unexpected success of Fire Emblem Awakening, which very thankfully saved the series from cancellation. Intelligent Systems wanted Three Houses to be the biggest and best of the entire Fire Emblem franchise so they brought on the help of Koei Tecmo Games.

For more information on Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, check out its Wikipedia entry at

We are playing a physical copy of Fire Emblem Three Houses using the Nintendo Switch, with video being recorded via an Elgato HD60 Pro capture card.

Enjoying this series? Check out my blind playthrough of Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, the one that started it all for this channel:

Or you can check out my blind let’s play of Fire Emblem Blazing Sword:

Or if you haven’t caught it yet, see my reaction to the first game in Marth’s storyline with my blind let’s play of Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon:

For a blast from the past and a taste of the first blind let’s play I ever did you can check out my playthrough of Dark Souls 3, my how we’ve grown since then:

Nitesco,Let's Play Fire Emblem Three Houses Blind,Lets Play Fire Emblem Three Houses Blind,Fire Emblem Three Houses,Fire Emblem Three Houses Blind,Let’s Play Fire Emblem Three Houses Ironman,Fire Emblem 16 Blind,Three Houses Blind,Let’s Play Fire Emblem 16 Blind,Let’s Play Fire Emblem 16 Ironman,FE 16 Claude,Fire Emblem Three Houses Claude,FE 16 Chapter 1,FE 16 Chapter 1 Blind,

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