I was reminded about this technique in Hashi's excellent Game of Thrones VFX tutorial. Here’s a link to the technique::
The Motion Sketch property allows you to draw an animation in After Effects, and automatically record the keyframes.
You can then map these keyframes to an emitter in Particular, using a simple expression.
This works with multiple systems, with each emitter following the original keyframe path, even if you change the preset in the Designer.
TIP: this works best by recording keyframe on a null and then parenting them to an emitter position.
TIP: Adjust the Emitter/Position Subframe parameter to smooth out curves in the path
TIP: select the keyframes and ALT-drag to spread them out
TIP: set child systems to ‘Position relative to Master’ to follow the master emitter position
Download Project file:
More info about Motion Sketch: