
Panel debate: What is the key to producing immersive and engaging sporting events?

Panel debate: What is the key to producing immersive and engaging sporting events? In the final AV Magazine hosted debate at Creative Technology's Festival of Technology Editor, Zoe Mutter, and the panellists looked at what the key is to producing immersive and engaging sporting events. Joining her on the panel were Alan Bright, Director of Engineering, IMG; Johan Spindler, Senior Director Business Development, NEP Group; Steve Purkess, Head of Sport, Creative Technology; and Ben Tompsett, Head of Broadcast, Creative Technology.

With immersion and engagement being at the forefront of sporting events, which audio visual production and broadcast technologies and techniques are enhancing audience engagement in the venue and at home?We also look at any emerging technologies playing an important role in immersing sports fans.

AV Magazine,AV Interactive,AVTV,

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