05:31 - Retopo Settings for Blender 2.8
24:23 - Retopology Demo
Enable the F2 addon
Snapping - enable 'Project Onto Self' and 'Project Individual Elements'
Enable Backface culling
Object Context - Viewport Display - enable 'In front'
Material - Viewport Display - Give it a color
ShrinkWrap - Select target object - otherwise default settings
Mirror - Enable 'clipping'
Subdivision Surface - Use for sanity checking ONLY.
-Modeling Tools:
Extrude Edge - Ctrl RMB
Extrude - E
Loop Cut - Ctrl R
F2 - F (while a point selected)
Bridge - F
Slide - GG
Merge Verts - Alt M
Select tool - W
Proportional Editing (soft select) - O
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