
What You Fight About According To Your Zodiac Sign

What You Fight About According To Your Zodiac Sign Zodiac signs can even tell you what you are most likely to fight about in a relationship. Let's find out what they have to say about you!

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#ZodiacSigns #Zodiac #Fights


Aries: 01:03
Taurus: 01:45
Gemini: 02:29
Cancer: 03:25
Leo: 04:18
Virgo: 05:15
Libra: 06:09
Scorpio: 07:09
Sagittarius: 08:02
Capricorn: 09:07
Aquarius: 09:51
Pisces: 10:34


Aries - Aries is known for its short temper and impulsive behavior.
People born under this sign often tend to take action first and think about it later.

Taurus - The problem is that the bull is a bit materialistic, so a Taurean woman or man is more interested to know what are you bringing to the table when it comes to a partnership.

Gemini - A relationship needs more than just love, passion, and romance to make it last. The Gemini might not have gotten the memo and as a result, they tend to run from relationships or cause fights when things get boring.

Cancer - They are very sensitive and are prone to becoming sentimental way too easily. As a result, even a light hearted joke might seem like a personal attack to Cancer. This is why, you have to be very careful while dancing with the crab under the pale moonlight.

Leo - When not given enough of the attention they crave, Leos can behave in a very different way. SImilar to the Aires, Leos are also known for their tempers so if you are dating a Leo and not giving them the attention they want, then be prepared for a fight.

Virgo - Virgos have a drive just like Leos and they love to be recognized too. However, Virgos are far more methodical, they don’t like to live in a "make-believe" world. They want things to be done a certain way and they like to meticulously check each and every detail.

Libra - Imagine a partner who has a great reputation at her or his workplace, can cook meals for you, and knows all the lyrics of your favorite songs. That sounds dreamy, right? Well, Libras are just like that.

Find out about the rest of the signs by watching the video until the end!

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