
Another letter to remind myself who I am

Another letter to remind myself who I am This life is not something to go about so casually.

You’re already 22.. And everyday is your first and last chance to embrace every part of this so-
Slow down

You’re only 22

what’s even scarier than death is dying having not lived

This experience was not made to go about casually,
It was gifted to you
Along with a body to embrace, and planet to explore
And a universe to remind you there is always more

You’ve been blessed with the opportunity to embody limitless potential

So imagine without limit
Let every action be deliberate
Don’t get so caught up in who you are now
You’re already better for wanting to be better

Remember you’re only in competition with who you were
Every obstacle is an opportunity to dismiss who you’ve been
So if you’re still unsure who you are
you can always be certain in who you will be

And you will be great, I promise
You’ve still got some time
So above all else remember to enjoy yourself.
After all the arguments and debates, the theories and conspiracies,
The fact remains we are ignorant to any ultimate truth in all this.
We are then left with the responsibility of bringing meaning to this life

Though life won’t always be meaningful
It won’t always play out like it does in the movies,
But know that every bad day is only another scene in a film you’ve already written
And It doesn’t end now
So Let everyday run its course.
avoid anticipating the future or overindulging your past,
They are only echoes of what you did today,

You’re allowed to take a break
And when tomorrow finds you
Know with everything inside you
Beginnings always hide themselves in ends


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