
BONUS: Clarify to Purify Sessions are back! (And what this means for you)

BONUS: Clarify to Purify Sessions are back! (And what this means for you) Clarify to Purify Sessions are back and I just couldn’t wait to let you know!

These 80-minute one-on-one phone sessions are a safe, sacred space to explore any aspect of your relationship with your stuff. I can help you:

Explore and resolve resistance to decluttering Gain clarity about a block to sorting through or letting go of specific belongings Identify your ‘why’ and create a Vision for your Purified home Tap into spiritual guidance and your inner wisdom to support your process Discover how to incorporate spirituality and energy work into your unique decluttering process Create a clear plan for getting started on your home Purification Or anything else you need to break through! These sessions create an opening for alchemy and transformation in your home and your life. They can also be a wonderful stepping stone into the Purify Your Home program.

“Before my session I didn’t realize that all of the business papers and other materials I was hanging onto “just in case” were actually creating a block about what my next steps forward were.

Through working with Michael, I was able to identify these blocks and return to a feeling of excitement about taking the next steps forward in my business rather than it feeling like a burden.”

Amy N. of Carlisle, PA Schedule your Clarify to Purify session today!

Get a Clarify to Purify Session Now


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