
It’s not a world’s animal endangerment(read desc)

It’s not a world’s animal endangerment(read desc) This is why I hate people.We are ruining the world we live in.We are ruining the world we think we are making a better place.We are ruining the world that’s not just ours,but it’s the animals too.We are ruining what we think is perfect but it’s broken.We need to save our planet before we break it.Eventually the sun will blow up and and blow up earth so let’s not let the saying “you never know what he had until it’s gone” come true!If we don’t stop this now the earth might be ruined before the sun even gets to it.Please do what you can to make it better.Protest,make signs,go to a zoo or somewhere you know with caged animals and say no more,go to your parents or guardians and ask if you can go to a pet “shelter” and protest against keeping these puppies in cages.Maybe not ever shelter does this,but there is always atleast one near you that does so stand up for our earth and make a difference even if it’s small it can make the biggest impact.


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