
Meow x GFP - Power of Passion

Meow x GFP  - Power of Passion A small video about my passion in cooperation with Goldfalls productions.

Hello. I am Pia, I'm a student of sports sciences and English, but my name in the world of Hip Hop is BGirl Meow and I am passionate about dance.

I always liked to dance, but when I moved I found dance to be my form of expressing myself and I dedicated a lot of time and energy into Breaking. Breaking is the correct term for what the media knows as Breakdance. I am fascinated by the fact that I can lose myself totally in the music and the movement. You need strength, flexibility and creativity to progress and the reward is that you get to discover your real identity more and more.

My style is a mix of Breaking and Afrodance, which is my second passion, and as the hip hop culture is grounded in the African diaspora, this mixture matches perfectly.

Through my travels I experienced dance's power of connecting completely different people and this is exactly what I am trying to do through my dance courses, workshops and videos.


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