
SUNEX Diaries #32 - Flight shame and taking real action for #ClimateStrike

SUNEX Diaries #32 - Flight shame and taking real action for #ClimateStrike #FlightShame. It's a thing.

Yesterday our climate conscious CEO had to take a short haul return flight from Cape Town to Johannesburg to give a presentation at the TedX Green Transition event, emitting 1 tonne of CO2. He feels this was hypocritical and counter productive to the cause.

Fortunately, Sun Exchange provided him with the solution! South Africa has one of the most carbon heavy electricity grids in the world, powered almost entirely from dirty coal. Every solar cell in our latest project will produce enough clean electricity to offset 135kg of CO2 over 20 years. To offset the emissions of his flight, he only had to buy 8 solar cells at a cost of around $50.

The icing on the cake... the income he will receive from selling his solar power to Wynberg Girls' High School, means he will effectively get 50% off the cost of that same flight!

The world is uniting today to campaign for climate action. Governments do need to do more to curtail green house gas emissions at a national level. But today you, as an individual, are empowered to take real climate action through buying solar cells to decarbonise South Africa. It is immediate and direct. This is real and truly sustainable climate action.

Click here to buy solar cells:

sun exchange,climate strike,solar,

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