
true wheels & propellers Do not appear to play a 'significant' role in the living 'movement'

true wheels & propellers Do not appear to play a 'significant'  role  in the living  'movement' a diffraction limited pinhole lens has greater depth of field but poor resolution

an eye is useful all the way through evolution. in order for a trait to evolve,
it needs to make evolutionary sense at every step, or else that trait dies out

pit viper snakes and some pythons have pinhole structures and a floor lined with infrared-sensitive cells
Chambered nautilus have also two simple, lensless eyes, which consist of two elongated ovals. They have crude pinhole resolution that is better for horizontal than vertical objects.

true wheels and propellers —do not appear to play a "significant" role
in the "movement" of living things , with the exception of active transport &
ATP synthase in our cells & a ring of rhythmically beating cilia &
Prokaryotic flagella & bending movement eukaryotic flagella

It would be impossible to be born with or grow something that isn’t fully attached ,

Tumbleweeds & maple seeds say otherwise


my work is transformative in nature as a criticism so some usage of the original is required but uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws



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