
Discover How a Value Transparency Chart Can IMPROVE Your WATERCOLOR Paintings - BEGINNER TUTORIAL

Discover How a Value Transparency Chart Can IMPROVE Your WATERCOLOR Paintings - BEGINNER TUTORIAL It's important to know your colors and how they change as they become more saturated. This knowledge will help you gain control of your colors and their transparent qualities. A side bonus of this chart is understanding the changes in value that occur when creating thicker textures.

What you will learn
How creating a chart will improve your color knowledge
At what point does a particular hue lose transparency
What values are created with each color

How creating a chart will improve your color knowledge;
Watching someone create a chart will only help you to learn how to do it yourself. So, break out your palette and paper and do a chart so you have more knowledge of creating transparent swatches.

At what point does a particular hue lose transparency;
Each color is unique and will have a slightly different point at which it becomes opaque. But it's really all the swatches in between that matter. By doing a swatch test you gain valuable knowledge about each color and it's transparent qualities.

What values are created with each color;
Value is king and will ultimately make you a master watercolorist if you can harness it. So, take a close look at the swatches and make some decisions on how values shift from light to dark as the mixture becomes more saturated. You will probably notice that some colors shift more than others and that's valuable information.

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