
How To Get Out Of A Funk

How To Get Out Of A Funk If you want to check out my Tribe, visit

I am thankful that I have a Community of friends and fellow entrepreneurs who are there to lift me up when I’m down or to simply listen. They are a whole-life (and business) support system.

Have you ever had one of those days (or even weeks) when something or someone has really just sapped all your energy, enthusiasm, your positivity?  The wind is gone from your sails and you just can’t quite get your mojo back?

Have you ever had one of those days (or even weeks) when something or someone has really just sapped all your energy, enthusiasm, your positivity?  The wind is gone from your sails and you just can’t quite get your mojo back?

Yeah me too… just the other day, in fact.  I got the wind knocked out of my sails and

I Just. Shut. Down. 

I didn’t want to do anything, connect with anyone, or be productive at all.

Life ebbs and flows. Circumstances are neither good nor bad. “Good” or “bad” is just a label that we ourselves give it.

I want to share with you what I did to put some wind back into my sails in hopes that you can use the same principles and get your own mojo back the next time life throws a curveball at you.

Firstly, I spent a whole day just sitting with it. I didn’t try to “feel better”. I just sat with it and let myself feeeel....all of it.
Emotion = Energy in Motion.
I allowed that energy to move through me without trying to push it down.

The next day, I forced myself to get back to my daily routine. I got up and went to the gym… even though I didn’t want to. I went to lunch with a friend, connecting with another human being. I took a walk.

Unity with Nature, Connection, and movement are a few of my Personal Core Values. Knowing this, I intentionally put myself in situations that ignite my own core values and in doing so, I got a little bit of my fire back.

By the end of that day, I was feeling like myself again.

Nothing about that other circumstance (that, in all honesty, I still label as “bad”, by the way) changed. I simply changed my state on purpose and with intention.

I help people discover their own core values by looking at their past experiences and influential people in their lives. It’s from these stories, for better or worse, that we develop our core values and those values affect our everyday lives, whether we realize it or not.

We need a Tribe... Who's in yours?

getting over it,get out of a funk,get out of a bad mood,get out of a rut,core values,personal core values,jillana raye,change your mind,change your state of mind,change your energy,how to get motivated,how to get out of a funk,personal development,mindset,mindset hacks,mindset hack,

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