
Loving The Worth of Me - Always B.I.G. Ministries

Loving The Worth of Me - Always B.I.G. Ministries In this video our goal is to encourage those who don't truly see their worth. That fact that God has created us in his own liken image and favors us enough to call us his children, is enough to lift you up alone. We all have a work and duty in the Kingdom of God. No matter how worthless you may feel about yourself, understand that there are many more people who feel that same way. The chances are, you may be strong where they are weak. This is your chance to get a glimpse of just how much you are really worth. Brothers and sisters, none of use can fight this fight on our own, but blessed be to God almighty, with the help of HIM and one another, we can overcome anything.

God bless you all and feel free to email us ( with any questions or topics for up-coming videos.

May God bless you and be with you always!

Elder, Marlon Clark Sr.

Elder, Jarius Janice

Always,B.I.G.,always big,church,jesus,encouragement,holy,christian,love,low self-esteem,depression,worthless,unworthy,

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