
The Impact of Prescription Drug Price Controls: An International Policy and Patient Perspective

The Impact of Prescription Drug Price Controls: An International Policy and Patient Perspective November 5, 2019 - To address the cost of prescription medicines, the Trump administration and congressional leaders have proposed instituting international reference pricing policies, like the International Pricing Index (IPI), that would set the prices of certain drugs in Medicare based on the prices of those drugs in other countries. Policy experts here in the U.S. have expressed concerns that this proposal would have unintended consequences that could slow the pace of innovation, affect American jobs, and create significant access restrictions that patients in other countries face.

CEI hosted a unique conversation with leading voices from the IPI reference countries included in the proposals. International policy experts and patient advocates shared their perspective on the potential impact of IPI based on real world experience with nationalized healthcare systems.

Catch all the highlights from our speakers here:

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