
Adyashanti - The Magnetic World of Experience

Adyashanti - The Magnetic World of Experience - Just let a thought be a thought, and a feeling be a feeling—and consciousness will stop being pulled around by the magnetic world of experience. Adyashanti explores our immediate attention-grabbing experience of being and the quiet timeless aspect that is not clamoring for our attention.

Video Excerpted from “The Timeless Nature of Being”:

Quotes from this Video:

“What we can see, taste, touch, feel, think, all of this—because it’s an experience, because it exists, it pulls attention, it’s magnetic in that sense.”

“The timeless is a dimension of being that is generally overlooked because there’s not much to it. There’s not much to grab hold of. We don’t even know we are dismissing it, but we dismiss it endlessly.”

“When we hear whatever we might imagine God, enlightenment, or awakening is, generally the first assumption we make is: ‘Well, none of that is in my direct experience,’ so you don’t really bother looking.”

“In spirituality, we must remember we are exploring our subjective experience of being. Of course, there is no experience of being that isn’t subjective, because it’s always your experience of being, whoever you are.”

Adyashanti,spirituality,the magnetic world of experience,quiet,quietude,

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