Trademark complaints. If you are a seller and you have received one of, these trademark complaints, you may be a little bit confused. What's different about these complaints is one, you do not receive a rights owner information. This automatically means no retraction is needed. A lot of sellers are not sure specifically what this notification means, so what they will do is ignore it. We do not suggest that you ignore these. What you need to do if you are the creator of the listing, just simply revise the language of the listing. You are using a trademarked term incorrectly. All you have to do is revise that language, but if you are just joining the pre-existing listing, then you do need to really vet the listings before joining them. If you are about to join Victoria's Secret listing for Victoria's Secret bag and the listing was created by Dana Rodriguez, we do not suggest that you join that duplicate listing because it is incorrectly using the trademarked term Victoria Secrets.
We are seeing a lot of product detail page tampering suspensions. With this, if you are creating your own listings for your own brand and you are noticing that you have a pack of 40 lollipops that you are selling, and now all of a sudden your listing says you are selling 60 lollipops or you see that the information of your product keeps changing, one thing we really urge you to do is notify Amazon. You now have all the evidence to show Amazon that your listing has been taken over.
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