
HIGHLIGHTS: Adam Schiff's 4th Hearsay Hearing (Pt 5 of 6) Nov. 19, 2019

HIGHLIGHTS: Adam Schiff's 4th Hearsay Hearing (Pt 5 of 6) Nov. 19, 2019 6 Parts -- 1) 2)
3) 4) 5)
6) The REAL Ukraine scandal involves the Bidens and a growing list of Democrats. Why didn't the Republicans mention the Democrat Senators who pushed for taxpayer money to assist Ukraine in increasing its domestic production and reforming its energy markets?

PT 1 Devin Nunes and Mike Turner vs. Tim Morrison
PT 2 Mike Conaway and Jim Jordan vs. Kurt Volker
PT 3 Brad Wenstrup and Chris Stewart vs. Tim Morrison
PT 4 Elise Stefanik, Will Hurd and John Ratcliffe
PT 5 #JimJordan vs. #KurtVolker (former Ukraine special envoy)
PT 6 Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff closing remarks

FULL 4th #ImpeachmentHearing - Wednesday (PM hearing) Nov. 19, 2019

==== About these Impeachment Hearings ====

The Democrats repeatedly brought up the fact that President Trump never used the word "corruption" in his call to the Ukraine president as proof that Trump didn't want to investigate corruption in Ukraine, just the Bidens and "Burisma" , saying it was CODE for "the Bidens". But the president of Ukraine DID mention draining the swamp -- and said Trump was a good teacher for that.

The Democrats also repeatedly said that Trump "demanded" that the president of Ukraine investigate on the Bidens and Burisma. But Trump never INSISTED or DEMANDED anything from the Ukraine president, he only politely asked him for a favor and to look in to the rumors about the Biden's connection to Burisma -- and if there was any meddling by Ukraine in the 2016 election ... and about the CrowdStrike server that the FBI never examined after the DNC's supposed "hack" by Russians (Seth Rich?), because then-DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz refused and the FBI never followed up with a warrant.

These are all perfectly legitimate concerns ... ESPECIALLY when compared to the investigations and hearings that Trump, his administration and his family had to endure for the past 3 years based on MANUFACTURED evidence in an effort by Obama's administration to influence the 2016 election, and then later, attempt a soft coup by framing Trump for impeachment and removal from office (disenfranchising the votes of 63 million Americans).

It should also be noted that during the Obama administration, the former ambassador to Ukraine ALSO requested that Burisma be investigated -- and the U.S. State Department and the White House press secretary refereed any inquires about Hunter Biden be directed to Joe Biden's office.

FYI: "Responding to Lt. Col. Vindman about my Ukraine columns … with the facts." (November 22, 2019 by John Solomon)

It's hard to believe these Democrats are on the "intelligence" committee. They must have been appointed for political reasons, and not for actually
overseeing the intelligence community. That's pretty scary, and maybe one reason why we have rogue agents in the FBI altering FISA documents.

The Democrats ENTIRE impeachment proceedings were built around a narrative that they created out of thin air! The outrage by Democrats while trying to protect and cover-up for Joe Biden is the REAL outage!

We can't wait for this Hearsay Hearing (aka Impeachment Inquiry) to go to trial in the Senate (after Jerry Nadler is done trying to get a murder conviction on Trump in the House Judiciary Committee), when an HONEST hearing can finally take place (If weak Republicans do their damn job.) There the GOP can subpoena REAL witnesses and documents. The whole world will see the Democrat's corruption. The Horowitz report and John Durham's indictments are still pending. We're all waiting like we're kids on Christmas Eve for that!

But I suppose we'll all learn the truth after the Devin Nunes lawsuit against CNN and BuzzFeed has been decided, and after the Horowitz Report is FINALLY released, and after John Durham's investigation has been completed and his grand jury has handed down indictments -- and after President Trump is re-elected in 2020 . . . then we'll all learn the truth.

Adaam Schiff,Impeachment Hearings,

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