Speedhacking them is honestly... not that interesting anymore. Not just because I feel I've done everything there is to do, but also because the levels don't bid themselves well to the hacks. Tis a shame, but oh well. More content to milk.
Speeds used: x0.5
Strike the earth was a nice easy level, and speedhacking hardly change that. I enjoyed it - There was just a right amount of stress from all the attack warnings, but not so many that you were overwhelmed with what was on your screen. Fun level, fun speedhack.
You can see the speedhacks taking place pretty easily from how the block bars crossing the screen are s l o w, but that's... about it for this level. The spinning bar near the end lasts longer too I guess, but eh
I don't have a link to his strike the earth remix, but here's Danimal Cannon:
Strike the earth, original song:
Video taken with OBS.