Earth's magnetic poles are now rapidly moving and our magnetic shield is losing strength fast! What do you need to know to survive a magnetic pole excursion or magnetic pole flip?
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Power Grid Information:
Check out my previous videos:
Death of Modern Monoculture Agriculture?
Making a Living on a 10th of an Acre Farm - Part I - How to grow your food & sell produce in a city!
10th of an Acre Farm Tour Part II Dervaes Family Farm
Survival Communities In Universal Habitats
Solar Heating the Aquaponics Greenhouse Part 3 of 3
Power Grid Down - Causes, Likelihood, Why so Hard to Fix:
Grid Down Consequences You Need to Know
Why Farmers Will Starve on the Farm When it Hits the Fan
Why Most Preppers Will Die
Filter & Sanitize Water Using Natural & Manufactured Filters & Solar Sanitation
Foraging Forest Food - Winter Wilds
Power Grid Down - What You Need To Do
Power Grid Down What DHS Didn't Tell Us:
More Stronger Solar Storms - Grid Down
Sun Set on Family Farms
To see the trailer for The Black Sky Event film go here:
Yes we survived quite well without electricity as late as when my dad was young (see my latest video on my dad).
Today we can't pump water, or fuel without electrical power. There will no food or medications available. Store cash registers won't work. All of the money in the banks is just digital ones and zeros that don't exist without electrical power. We are so dependent on it today that without it society would collapse. Starving hordes would pour out of the cities scouring the countryside. It would be catastrophic.
I do try to offer hope in telling people to join groups to turn this around and on how to grow their own - among other things. But people have little idea how bad it can be. To enlist them to turn this around they have to be woken up
Things you can do: What can you do to get the grid hardened? 1. Work with local emergency providers (and utility companies) to get them to hold drills about what to do when there is a months (years) long nationwide (no support coming from other states as usual) grid down situation. Once they get the gravity of it they will push internally through their organizational levels within the utility companies and local/state officials to do something about it. My keynote speaker at my power-grid defense conference Ambassador Hank Cooper did just that in your area and got Duke Power to agree to harden their grids. 2. Contact you state and federal elected officials and demand they take action to get the grid hardened. 3. Contact your state Public Service Commission and demand they take action to get the grid hardened. 4. Join groups advocating power grid defense. See my site's links page: 5. Any one of the above
Magnetic Pole Flips, Magnetic Pole, Earth's magnetic poles rapidly moving magnetic poles, magnetic shields losing strength. magnetic shields dropping, NOAA, magnetic model, magnetic field strength, pole shift, magnetic pole shift, electrical grid collapse, grid collapse, power grid failure, power outage, grid down, catastrophic grid collapse, power grid defense, prepping for a grid down, How to survive a grid down, survive a power grid failure, cme, likelihood for grid down, catastrophic power outage, nuclear fuel rod melt downs, nuclear fuel rod melt downs, prepping, water purification, water sanitation