Posle vesti da je Podgorica sklopila ugovor o nabavci 69 vozila JLTV za 36 miliona dolara, što je najveći aranžman o prodaji vojne opreme u istoriji između Crne Gore i SAD, u nabavku JLTV-a uskoro kreće i Severna Makedonija. Kako navodi specijalizovani portal „Balkanska sigurnosna mreža“, Skoplje, koje uskoro očekuje članstvo u NATO-u, namerava da nabavi 151 vozilo u periodu do 2024. godine, a zatim još 98 komada u naredne četiri godine. U dugoročnom planu razvoja operativnih sposobnosti Severne Makedonije do 2028. godine predviđena je potrošnja po milion evra za pojedinačno vozilo. Po svemu sudeći, Skoplje, Ljubljana i Podgorica ugovorile su posao kroz direktne pregovore njihovih ministarstava odbrane sa Pentagonom, koji je u ime korisnika zaključio narudžbine sa proizvođačem — američkom firmom "Oškoš". The new American light armored vehicle JLTV, the successor to the popular hammer, sells unusually well among NATO members in the Balkans.After Montenegro and Slovenia have agreed to procure the off-roader with official Washington, it seems that Northern Macedonia is in order.After the news that Podgorica has signed a contract for the purchase of 69 JLTV vehicles for $ 36 million, which is the largest arrangement for the sale of military equipment in the history between Montenegro and the USA, Northern Macedonia is soon moving into the procurement of JLTV.Skopje, which expects NATO membership soon, intends to acquire 151 vehicles by 2024 and then another 98 units over the next four years.Skopje, Ljubljana and Podgorica have contracted the deal through direct negotiations between their defense ministries and the Pentagon, which has concluded orders on behalf of the user with US-based manufacturer Oskosh.