
Star Wars Jabba the Hutt - Jerry Nadler a lot healthier now. Lost a lot of weight.

Star Wars Jabba the Hutt - Jerry Nadler a lot healthier now. Lost a lot of weight. Jerry Nadler a lot healthier now. Lost a lot of weight. I am glad he did it I was over weight my self at one time.Nadler is too much like the Hutt now. Unlike then when it was before looking like the Hutt but almost normal reasonable person.. Nadler tells it like he sees it when it comes to impeaching Presidents. I am glad Jerry lost some weight now and does not look like Java the Hutt anymore.. Cheers to the Nadler man. Keep of the pounds but I want to see the old Nadler too. Remember the Liberals used to be the good guys. Whay has happened to Classic Liberalism


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