
Tara Talks - Reflection: Healing Self-Blame

Tara Talks - Reflection: Healing Self-Blame Tara Talks - Reflection: Healing Self-Blame [2019-08-07]

When we are stuck in blaming, disliking or hating ourselves, we are unable to love our world.

In this guided reflection we’ll explore using the acronym RAIN (recognize-allow-investigate-nurture) to begin releasing the armoring of blame and relating to our inner life with greater understanding and compassion.

To watch the full talk, go to:


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With thanks and love, Tara

Tara Brach,Tara Talks,dharmarain108108108108,dharma,meditation,mindfulness,healing,self-blame,blame,reflection,love,guided,guided reflection,acronym,RAIN,inner life,understanding,compassion,

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