
The Disability of Michael Jonah The Systems of Missouri Part 2

The Disability of Michael Jonah The Systems of Missouri Part 2 This video starts out slow. Stay with me. It is about how my past 7 years of personal hell began and proceeded. It is about how the placement of a Morgellons Code 709.8 on my medical record on 12-17-2012 destroyed my health, life, ruined me financially and almost resulted in a broken family; It is also an introduction as to what the Medical System in Missouri in partnership with the State of Missouri did in response to the 12-17-2012 medical record that originated in Connecticut. The discussion in this part 2 begins to illustrate how much goes on behind the patients back, without their knowledge within the post Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)era. There are aspects of this story I cannot talk about and a whole lot more that happened.
What amazes me is how everything was a secret and never discussed by any medical provider or medical case management. My discovery of the Morgellons Medical Code 709.8 and what it defines a patient to be was the key to understanding a whole host of behavior and incidents that occurred between myself and various medical care providers. Before discovering this Code I chalked off much of the behavior to incompetence, Professional Misconduct or that my political ideologies and understanding of reality is quite different than many within the system I was trapped in and still am without access to proper medical care for several reasons, insurance type is only one. The main perpetrator of medical malpractice, negligence and abuse is a Medical Director well known in this area which is his home town.
What happened due to Medical and Social work incompetence resulted in what in essence was defamation of my character and complete misrepresentation of their patient and case within a collaborative, highly integrated medical system that seriously impacted my medical care received and proper treatments or access to pain medications.
Within this system where there is information sharing, case conferencing, collaborations between medical providers, state agencies and others regarding patients. Incorrect Diagnoses and Assessments within this type system will magnify and multiply the damage done to a patient's health, well being, emotional state, and psychological condition, resulting in trauma, acute stress reactions and even PTSD. The drawback to this type of medical system is a narrative when created about a patient is enforced by the group of integrated partners. In my case whether they mean't it or not, or realized it or not, what they engaged in was the equivalent of gas lighting. It was quite obvious and is from the record that they were serving the State and the patient/case was secondary. What is frightening is this is the type of system that Statists seek to implement nationwide, a system where there is no escape and their is very little recourse, a system that is ripe for abuse.
I ended the video with some of the original pictures of samples taken from my mouth in early December 2012. They are clearly fungal, massive and indicate an infection that was out of control.
I did the best I could with this presentation as my medical condition, taking pain killers and muscle relaxers make things somewhat difficult for me.


“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Qui tacet consentire videtur.”

(Who will watch the watchers? He who is silent appears to consent.)

missouri disability determinations,APO Dr. Stephen Adams,Missouri DHSS,social security disability,morgellons disease,medicare for all,integrated health care systems,HRSA,red wine test,

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