
CONFIRMED! Flight 752 SHOT DOWN By Iran Resulting in “Collateral Damage” Loss of 63 Canadian Lives!!

CONFIRMED! Flight 752 SHOT DOWN By Iran Resulting in “Collateral Damage” Loss of 63 Canadian Lives!! DONATE via Paypal ➜
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Collateral damage…that’s what the military calls a mistake when it comes to the accidental loss of life as a result of military operations. Reports are now confirming that Ukrainian airlines Flight 752 WAS hit by fire from a Russian-built Tor M-1 (SA-15) surface-to-air missile system operated by the Iranian military…Victims range from 7 different countries including 63 Canadians who needlessly lost their lives. The Iranians initially claimed it was caused by a mechanical error while holding back the black boxes that would inevitably prove this to be a lie. The crash came just hours after Iran carried out missile strikes on two airbases housing US forces in Iraq. CBS News quoted US intelligence sources as saying a satellite detected infrared "blips" of two missile launches, followed by another blip of an explosion. Iran's Civil Aviation Organization said: "The plane, which was initially headed west to leave the airport zone, turned right following a problem and was headed back to the airport at the moment of the crash….added that witnesses saw the plane "on fire" before the crash, and that pilots had not made any distress calls before trying to return to the airport. The loss of innocent civilian lives caught in the crosshairs of war will not be forgotten and this incident will most certainly escalate tensions between not only Iran and the US…but Iran and the world. An accident of this magnitude is unacceptable and there will be consequences for the Iranian regime…But more war is NOT the answer…We have no business messing in the affairs of the lives of those in the Middle East…our foreign policy is proving to be a disaster and unless we stop answering aggression with aggression, the loss of innocent lives will continue and the winner in the end will be the military industrial complex. You may soon hear of the need for a humanitarian mission to be launched in Iran, but don’t believe it…those who are truly pulling the strings in these world shopping events are not interested in peace…they want want more power and control. So yes this is a tragic event that will never be forgotten… but the reality is, more lives will soon be lost if we continue to allow the military industrial complex to thrive and prosper off of the deaths of innocent people. Stop funding their wars, stop sending your kids into battle and for God’s sake leave the people of Iran alone before it’s too late.


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collateral damage,flight 752,Iran,war,Trump,

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