
President Trump Shreds the Billionaires at Davos with Optimism - LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

President Trump Shreds the Billionaires at Davos with Optimism - LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat Tonight’s discussion will focus on President Trump’s Davos speech and its implications for the coup against him ongoing in the U.S. Trump walked in to the meeting of the world’s financial oligarchy and their groupie billionaires, who are dead set on imposing Green Fascism on the world, in the midst of an impeachment proceeding which they are running against him, and laid out, in his plain terms, aspects of the third and fourth laws of economic recovery pronounced by Lyndon LaRouche.

The creativity of working people, what LaRouche called the power of labor, is the engine of any economy. Advances in technology and great scientific discoveries and artistic achievements are the keys to sustained economic advances; the green ideology of pessimism, austerity, and death are artificial inventions of an oligarchy bent on only sustaining themselves. The President used the famous dome of Florence to illustrate what he was speaking about, a favorite metaphor also used repeatedly by LaRouche. This is a most profound moment which is being wildly and hysterically mischaracterized by the mainstream media and which will be beyond most of the President’s supporters.

Join us for tonight’s discussion.

president,trump,donald trump,impeachment,russiagate,ukrainegate,coup,oligarchy,empire,barbara boyd,dennis speed,war,world war 3,green economy,climate change,davos,

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