If you can't do a pull-up and want to learn how, this video is for you. Learning how to do pull-ups for beginners can feel intimidating, but it doesn't have to!
In this video we show you three simple bodyweight exercises that will prepare you to be able to do your first pull-up. Of course if you can already do pull-ups, these are great exercises to improve pull-ups as well!
Pull-ups are one of the most powerful and effective bodyweight exercises that exist. They work your lats, biceps, traps, rhomboids, teres major, infraspinatus, pecs, erector spinae and obliques! That's great news in terms of the effect they'll have on your body and your strength, but it also means you need to train these muscles to work together efficiently in order to get your first pull up.
The exercises in this video are simple, but they can have a huge effect on your functional strength, and if you do them a few minutes a day, a few times a week, you WILL be able to learn how to do your first pull up!
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