
Why Expats Fail in Life and Love. ❤️ FREE Self Discipline Course Part Two

Why Expats Fail in Life and Love. ❤️ FREE Self Discipline Course  Part Two Why Expats Fail in Life and Love Part Two 12 Keys To Become More Self-Disciplined.
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IMPORTANT: Apologies for the typos folks! I'll double-check next time!

Key #1. Identify Your Goals.

Spiritual, Lifestyle, Financial, Health, and Relationships. Identify what you want in life. If you don't know what you're shooting for, don't be surprised if you end up shooting yourself in the foot.

Key #2. Prepare A Backup Plan When Temptation Arises.

Don't get caught flat-footed.

A little bit of advance preparation goes a long way in helping you overcome temptation each and every time.

Key #3. Find Your Motivation Daily.

It's very easy for people to dismiss this.

People are under the impression that,

"Am I not already trying to be self-disciplined? Isn't that motivation enough?"

Well, no. That's not enough because eventually, you start looking at it as a chore.

You start looking at your whole personal journey towards discipline as some sort of punishment.

What do you do then?

You need to find a way to motivate yourself in a sustainable way so you keep pushing forward.

Key #4. Turn Self-Discipline Into A Habit.

Eventually, you will reach a point where self-discipline becomes part of your daily routine.

The key is to get there. This is the biggest challenge.

Because once you are in the right spot, it's easy to develop a new habit.

A lot of your mental reservations have given way, and it has become easier for self-discipline to become part of your daily routine.

Key #5. Get Enough Sleep.

Did you know that sleep is crucial to recharging your willpower?

You have to get a full 8 hours of sleep.

And it has to be quality sleep for you to fully replenish your willpower on a day to day basis.

Key #6. Fill Your Mind With Positive Thoughts.

It turns out that, Your Thoughts Directly Impact Your Reality.

How positive you are about your efforts at achieving a certain outcome play a big role in whether those outcomes will materialize at all.

Key #7. Surround Yourself With Self-Disciplined People.

As I have mentioned previously, it's hard to soar like an eagle when you surround yourself with turkeys.

Birds of a feather, after all, do flock together.

I knew a guy in the UK whose entire life revolved around going to the pub night after night, hanging out with alcoholics and losers. It struck me one day that he'll NEVER amount to anything. Because we become like those we associate with. So, Choose Your Friends VERY Wisely. Key #8. Garbage in-Garbage Out.

You need to diligently watch what you Read, See and Listen to. If you fill your mind with negative garbage, You Are Literally Programming Your Life for Mediocrity, Poverty  and Failure.

Take this 30 Day Challenge: For the NEXT 30 days, don’t read, watch, speak, or listen, to a single negative thing.

Instead, go out of your way to replace the negative input with positive thoughts.

I guarantee that in just 30 days, you’ll notice a profound difference.

Key #9. Most People Are Defeated in Life, 1 Inch Below Their Nose.

Spend 30 minutes with me, and I guarantee I can tell enough about you to write a very accurate description of your personality.



By your self talk. The fact is this: You're either using your words to inspire, encourage and uplift [both yourself and others].

Or they're pulling you down.

And it's 100% YOUR Choice.

Try this for the next 30 days... say absolutely NOTHING negative about yourself.

Instead, just say good stuff about yourself.

If you do, I absolutely promise you'll start to feel better about yourself than you have in years.

Key #10. Start Aasking Better Questions.

I Suggest that you get a copy of The Book of Afformations by Noah St John.


Because it's going to change trhe way you ask questions forever.

#11. Start a Visionboard.

What's a Visionboard?

Simply a board that you pin pictures of what you want in life on.

Choose pictures of the home, car, and all the other stuff you want to see in your life
and stick them on the board.

And invest 5 to 10 minutes each day purposefully looking at it.


Because what you FOCUS on, you'll ATTRACT.

Key #12. Start a Journal.

Grab a notebook and write about your life, your feelings, your hopes and your actions each day.

And MOST importantly, start asking 'Afformation-Questions!'

Trust me, you really do need to get a copy of The Book of Afformations by Noah St John.

Because the moment you understand why you've been asking the wrong questions,
And how to ask BETTER questions...


Your life doesn't have to stay the same. Start Using These 12 Keys and Watch the Changes Start to Happen... Continued in Part 3.

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